Houses Family house in Podgorica, Dajbabe

Basic data

Code MNE-02-REAM-ME0090
Type Houses
Region Central Region
Address Dajbabe, Ulica 6 br. 22
Town Podgorica
Area 200,00 m2
Purpose of the property Sell
Sales method Owned Real Estate
Sales process Zbiranje zavezujočih ponudb
Price Price negotiable

For sale family house of 200m2 with land of 2147m2, located in Dajbabe, Podgorica.

NLB Real Estate has no possession.

Do you need more information?

Aleksandar Janković will be in charge of the property and will see to your needs and work to answer all of your questions.

Aleksandar Janković

Asset Manager 00 382 20 674 900 00 382 69 085 025

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